Refurbished laptops being re-packed - TPC Packaging Solutions

Refurbished laptops being re-packed

Application: Refurbished laptops being re-packed, with direct fulfillment to end users.

Challenge: This customer contacted us with the initial challenge of finding a semi-automatic case sealer that could work with their narrow laptop box. The only off–the–shelf solution available would only allow for 1.25″ tape, instead of the 2″ that they wanted.

TPC Solution: We were able to help with a custom built case sealer that would run 2″ effectively with the narrow laptop case, coming in under the customer’s budget. Upon completing a site survey, we were also able to identify an opportunity to help them reallocate labor to other areas of their operation by integrating a print and apply label applicator. The label applicator applies a shipping label; this allows for a reduction of one operator.


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